uploads/middle finger.jpg

middle finger 中指。

middle french

The american of cares the expert the 8226 ; shi de2 er3 s doctor at its the anti - decrepitude saint one a “ the root of the burdock root is deeply think by the whole world person s fancy , that it is a kind of can the in aid of human body maintains the good work appearance from childhood to old age all proper practical of the gentle nourishment medicine grass , burdock root can the day eat but have no side effect , and have the important medicine grass of restore to original the effect to the balance of the system inside the body , the medicine grass teacher is a kind of cancer treatment with it , also treating it as the poisonous of the curative effect outstanding digestive and the solution livers “ of the book middle finger , long - term edible burdock root root of the most long - lived race - japanese in whole world 飲牛蒡茶對人體有抗衰老作用:美國著名的保健專家艾爾8226 ;施德爾博士在它的抗衰老圣典一書中指出“牛蒡的根部深受全世界人的喜愛,認為它是一種可以幫助人體維持良好工作狀態從幼年到老年均適實用的溫和營養藥草,牛蒡可日食而無任何副作用,且對體內系統的平衡具有復原功效的重要藥草,藥草師用它作為一種癌癥治療劑,同時也視它為療效突出的消化劑及解肝毒劑” ,全世界最長壽的民族日本人長期食用牛蒡根部。

At right such as the downtown city country combination , orange continent , changsha county from set up the residence and laodao river the farmer setting the area inside the setting door to modification profession technical personnel recommend project the in side , and reflect the live culture of the original ecosystem of and spread the - material of , immaterial - analysis middle finger out : the space is a life experience backlog with , accumulate the with orientation but , not arbitrarily transplant the so - called “ advanced culture “ , and afresh establish the living order , then artificial propulsion of , should suffer the respect of on these grounds intent the set up the “ authenticity “ the theories counteract its leading the farmer setting the area , conduct and actions farmer setting community this a special carry the suggestion in the adaptability living quarter of and the single design of the environment and congirl 在對諸如市區城鄉結合部桔子洲、長沙縣自建宅及撈刀河鎮農民安置區中安置戶對專業技術人員推薦方案的修改中反映出的原生態活態文化傳承? ?物質的、非物質的? ?的分析中指出:空間是生活經驗經累積與適應積淀而成,不是任意移植所謂的“先進文化” 、重新建立生活秩序即可人為推進的,是應該受到尊重的。據此意圖構建“原生態”理論并用其指導農民安置區作為農民安置群體這一特殊群體載體的適應性住區與環境及相應的單體設計建議。

Fine salbes mineral salt can be applied to the skin already moisturized to certain parts of the skin , which is to be massaged lightly ; after this , have a rest for 3 minutes ; and then at the place where the pores at the two sides of the nose puff , middle fingers are to massage in a extrusion fashion 對于局部區域,可以用細索貝斯礦鹽抹在事先潤濕的皮膚上,輕輕按摩后休息3分鐘,然后在鼻翼兩側毛孔張開的部位用中指指腹由下向上做擠壓式按摩。

Of them , transfer of index finger dorsal island flap was performed in 2 cases , transfer of middle finger ulnar island flap and index finger dorsal island flap in one case , transfer of double island flaps from middle finger and ring finger in one case 其中示指背側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指損傷2例,中指尺側島狀皮瓣加示指背側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指脫套傷1例,中環指雙島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指撕脫離斷傷1例,中指尺側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指損傷4例。

Operation : performer puts the middle finger or thumbs with strength on both tips of brows of beneficiary to attack separatedly from the beginning of “ zan zhu ” fo “ yu yao ” “ tong zi liao ” points repeatedly for six times 操作:施術者用兩手中指或大拇指的指腹著力,從受術者的兩眼眉尖的“攢竹”穴開始,分別在“攢竹” 、 “魚腰” “ ?子? ”等穴位上,行點壓法反復操作六次。

Grasping manipulation is performed by symmetrically and slowly lifting and squeezing the therapeutic part and meanwhile holding and twisting , foulaging , kneading and pinching it with the operator ' s thumb and index finger and middle finger or with five fingers 以拇指與食、中二指或其他四指,緩緩地對稱用力,將治療部位挾持、提起,并同時捻搓揉捏的手法稱為拿法。

And if any one of those people call you names because of what you look like , or because they don ' t accept you for who you are , i want you to look right at that motherfucker , stick up your middle finger , and scream fuck you 如果那些人之中,有人因為你的長相叫你的名字,或因為他們不接受真正的你,我要你看著那狗娘養的,伸出你的中指,大叫去你的!

To open the airway , use your index finger and middle finger to lift the casualty s chin forward . use the other hand to press his forehead downward so that his tongue will move forward to keep the windpipe unobstructed 張開氣道,用食指及中指將病者的下頜托向前,用另一手將額頭向下壓,這樣可使舌頭向前,氣道暢通。

The sore finger was caused by stretching his index and middle fingers apart for split - finger pitches . he did not throw any splitters yesterday but usually does not in the bullpen 右手食指會疼痛的關系是因為以食指與中指分開夾住球,投出指叉球的關系。他昨天并沒有投指叉球,但是他在牛棚通常不投這個球路。

Wang threw more changeups than usual and pitched six and a third innings , allowing five hits . torre removed him because the split fingernail on wang ' s right middle finger was sore 幫主比往常投了較多的變速球,投了六又三分一局只被打出5支零星安打,托瑞老爹因為幫主右手中指指甲裂開的疼痛,而換他下場。

Wang pushes off the seams of the ball with his index and middle fingers , creating the blisters , and after the game last night , he had a small band - aid covering the tip of his middle finger 王用他的食指和中指推出球的縫線,產生了水泡,昨晚比賽后,他用小片的護創膠布覆蓋在他中指的頂端。

Each participant received sonographic measurements of the median nerve , which controls the thumb , index , and middle fingers , at the base of the wrists in both of her hands 每位對象均需接受超聲波檢查雙手位于腕底的正中神經( mediannerve ) ,該神經主要控制姆指、食指及中指。

Chien - ming wang suffered a split nail on the middle finger of his throwing hand in the third inning of yesterday ' s 7 - 4 loss to the red sox at the stadium 小王在昨天的投球中,于第三局開始,他的右手中指的指甲,就遭受到斷裂的痛苦,這場比賽最終洋基在主場以7 - 4輸給了紅襪。

This manipulation is operated by the tip of the middle finger or the joint of the index and middle finger , pounding at the certain points or part regularly 用中指指端或食指、中指屈曲后的近側指間關節突起部為著力點,在一定的穴位或部位上做有節律地點擊,稱為“搗法” 。

The first case involved a 64 - year - old woman who was stung on the middle finger of her right hand by a scorpion when she took out some langsat from a plastic bag on may 2 首宗個案涉及一名64歲的女士,她于五月二日在紅?家中,從膠袋取出蘆菇時右手中指被蝎子刺到。

12 . another thing : it seems people have this trouble with their middle finger , i don t know whether it is stuck in that position or they are saying they are number one 12 .另外這里的人們老是使用中指的問題,我不知道他們是要告訴我是在指方向還是說他們是老大

The way of forming : gather the forefinger and the ring finger , laying the middle finger on them and keep the remaining two fingers attached together loosely 形成的方法:聚集食指和無名指,放置中指在他們上而且保持其余二根手指松弛地貼在一起。

So right after i composed and done calligraphy to praise guan yin , the ring you offered is now on my right middle finger 因此就在我完成對觀音敬贊的對聯并寫成翰墨后,這個由您們所供養的戒子,現在已戴在我右手的中指上了。

Werewolves can be detected by odd features such as pointed ears or index and middle fingers of the same length . almost entirely false 狼人很容易發現,他們總有些古怪的特征比如尖耳朵或者食指和中指一樣長。幾乎全錯。